Conwy - Psychic Medium, Amanda

Conwy - Psychic Medium, Amanda





Conwy - Psychic Medium, Amanda has been connecting with spirit since childhood. Recently relocated from Surrey to North Wales, Amanda's Surrey clients remain which is testament to her abilities. Amanda’s journey with working with spirit truly began when she discovered tarot. Learning from others along her journey, Amanda uses all her experience and her incredible gift to deliver astute readings to her clients. Amanda still uses tarot and also now psychometry to give an extra layer of connection with spirit. Readings using tarot or psychometry can often deliver a clearer, stronger message. Using her psychic and mediumship abilities to connect to your passed loved ones, Amanda’s readings are filled with her experience and empathic level of connection. Being able to communicate with spirit and give insight into your future as well as connect with our past and present makes for a reading that brings enlightenment.


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Private 30 minute sessions start from £30

This professional has the following skills:


A medium holds a direct connection to the spirit world, or afterlife. They can connect with your loved ones who have stepped over to the spirit world. The spirit world can see what is going on in our life and by passing on messages of support, love and guidance through a medium can bring comfort and closure where needed.


A psychic uses energy and natural intuition to give guidance on your life path for the past, present and future. This can help you find inner peace and happiness. Many people ask psychics what will happen in their life. Psychics can pick up on obstacles, feelings and bring clarity to the sitter through their interpretation of these messages.


A Clairvoyant is someone who sees images in their minds' eye. This sometimes is a clear image of the past, present or future. Many use symbolic symbols, and memories of their own past to connect with the sitter.


Cards Tarot and Oracle cards are often read by psychics to give insight and extra detail. Each Tarot and oracle card hold their own meaning, giving the psychic an extra level of understanding creating an in depth reading. Tarot and Oracle cards can predict the present and the outcome of the future