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Scorpio Horoscope For oct 2020

Scorpio Your FREE horoscope for the month of October 2020
Relationship and career outlook and what is in store for you.

Month Overview
Things will follow the same pattern as last month as you feel you are pulled from pillar to post, you will have little time to yourself this month but this is just how you like it, in the past you didn’t realise how import you are to others and how they cant manage without you, with this in mind, when you do have a few moments, don’t fill them, just sit down with a cuppa and enjoy the silence. As you know it will not last long.

Again just like last month Relationship, what relationship! Don’t let this month pass you by without giving that little time you have to someone you love, as you will both benefit from a romantic meal or five minutes in the car away from the kids. 
If you are single, make time to talk to others, again remember five minutes can last a lifetime. (I DID SAY THIS LAST MONTH BUT YOU DIDN’T TAKE NOTE)

You will not have time for fools or lazy people, and will be the first to snap at people as you get straight to the point saying “pull your weight or get out of my way,” but remember someone had to show you the ropes once, so give them the benefit of doubt. They may just need a little support.

Signs to look out for
Cards from strangers saying thank you, 

“Be thankful for the small things”


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