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Taurus Horoscope For Jan 2021

Taurus  - Your FREE horoscope

Relationship and career outlook and what is in store for you.



Month Overview

Be careful not to get caught up in the illusions and unnecessary worry that you have created. These are not real! These are stories that you actually made up from your negative perception. But they seem very, very real to you because you have breathed so much life into them by feeding them grief, fear, worry, anger, and blame. Don’t do this any longer. Remember anything that you choose to focus on grows-real or not. So, make the efforts to slowly redirect and reprogram your thinking. (Yes, you can actually do that!) It just takes time, effort, and conscious energy.



Some of you are being asked to see your significant other, for who they truly are. This month you are being protected by spirit and your psychic vision has become heightened so you can do just that. Don’t discount your visions or gut feelings any longer.  If you’re being shown something, chances are it’s true! Don’t stay just because you want to be in a relationship, or are searching for love. You know it’s true because your intuition is a strong sense of knowing. It’s not fearful or low vibe. It’s just a strong clear knowing without the “why”. 



How you feel inward about your career and finances is being directly reflected back to you in your outside world. Make sure that you change your perception if you want to attract promotions, forward movement and luck in the work place. If you constantly replay anger, worry or jealousy in your mind about colleagues, bosses or your position in general, that’s what you will bring into your existence. More reasons to be angry, to worry or to be jealous about. If that doesn’t sound fun then change it! Choose wisely because what you think, you create.


Signs to look out for

Keep an eye out for four leaf clovers, repeating 7s, photos of old fashion Gypsies, crystal balls, and anything that you associate with luck, good fortune, divination or future. These are all good omens being sent your way from your personal team of guides in spirit.