2020 is really testing us all isn't it? Even the most optimistic of us have probably struggled to find the lessons in the events of this year so far. I can't help but think that 2020 has become the year of illumination.
We've been forced to see things for what they really are this year. Think physical health, mental health, politics, racism.. there's no denying that the world we once thought we knew is not the same. In the midst of all this chaos though, I truly believe that it all holds the potential for us to address the way we have been living and reverse the damage we cause to the earth and to each other. I hear a lot of talk about people wanting things to return to how they were, personally, I don't want things to go back to how they were at all.

When I look at how things have shifted, I see families reconnecting in ways they never did before lockdown. Neighbours are getting to know each other and making sure each other is safe. Healthcare workers are being recognised as the true heroes, instead of celebrities. When we see these things that have come as a direct result of a global pandemic it should become obvious to us that we haven't always made time for what really matters in life; real human connection. Recently, the news and social media has been dominated by the inhumane public lynching of black people as a direct result of white supremacy and blatant racism. Unfortunately, this isn't something new, for the black community. This is something they have had to live with for generation after generation but now a spotlight is being shone on the injustice that they face and the world is reacting. We are being forced to confront our own implicit racism and to actively work to become anti-racist. This is no easy task, it's a life-long commitment to work to create change but it's work that is necessary if we are to ever achieve equality within the human race. Change comes when we look at ourselves and work to improve and explore the hidden parts of who we are. Never underestimate the power of personal development! The changes we make within our own lives, can and will have a ripple effect on our families, friends and community if we honour the work that needs to be done and have the courage to stand up for what we know is right.
Start the change
Every month I look forward to the full moon, I love seeing it in the sky fully illuminated. It's said that the full moon's energy can highlight situations in your life that need clarity or can expose true feelings or people for what they really are! In light of everything that is going on in the world I think it would be extremely powerful to invoke that energy to focus on creating positive change for ourselves, our families and the wider community.
Below I have highlighted 4 ways that we can harness the energy of illumination to promote positive changes in our world.
1. Acknowledge where there needs to be change.
If you aren't aware there is an issue, how do you expect to be able to change anything? Whether you are focusing on a personal situation or are wanting to change the whole of humanity, if you don't know what you are working towards then you can't really focus on how to make an impact. So, start where you are and ask yourself what it is exactly that you want to focus on. Be honest with yourself.
2. Walk the talk.
When we see there is a problem, we can't return to how we once were and pretend that it never happened. If you see an issue and then choose to ignore it you are accepting the consequences of that action, you choose to be a part of the issue. I'm going to be blatantly honest here, I consider myself to be pretty spiritual but I'm done with the 'love and light' approach to addressing real issues in the world. Sending good thoughts/good vibes/prayers is all well and good but if you're not prepared to follow that with real action then what you're actually doing is bypassing the situation. You're effectively trying to contribute to the solution without actually having to get your hands dirty. Be better than that. The only way that you can create a positive change in any area of your life is to actively work in a way that moves you towards the desired outcome. Research what you can do now and then go and do it
3. Get involved with the real world.
So you can see who you needs your help. You know the communities you could impact. You know which organisations have the resources to help you reach your goals, what do you do? The answer is to communicate and get involved with the real world, whether this is through face to face interaction or via social media. Connecting with other people plays an important part of understanding ourselves and gaining deeper perspective. Follow new social media accounts, read books by new authors, share your experiences and be open to feedback. All this serves to help you grow as a person.
4. Share.
Sharing information and experiences with other people opens you up to new conversations/relationships/feedback and knowledge. With the recent highlighting of racial injustice there has been more demand for knowledge and resources to understand how we can work to end racism. In this respect, sharing the work of black educators and authors can be a way to increase awareness and give a voice to people who are all too often not given the credit they deserve. Share what you learn, even share your mistakes. Obviously, these steps can be done at any time but given the recent issues in the world, there seems to be no time like the present to focus on what really matters. Remember that once you have seen the truth of a situation it is impossible to return to how you once were. Something inside you will have shifted. There is a reason it was illuminated in the first place.
I've touched on the subject of racism throughout this post and it is something that I am becoming extremely passionate about ending. The steps I've highlighted above can be applied to any change you want to focus on.
Kerry xx
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