Book Review of Psychic Medium, Pete Barry’s ‘A Personal Journey Through Shadow & Light’.
Reviewed by Jane M, Hartlepool, a book loving, self-confessed sceptic.
The Author
Pete Barry was born in Belfast in 1959. He moved to Leicester with his family when he was five years old. ‘A Personal Journey Through Shadow and Light’ is his autobiographical journey to becoming a Spiritual Medium.

Jane's Review
As a self-confessed sceptic, I felt very negative about embarking on reading his book. In the introduction he writes, ‘We all have this little voice in our heads (our higher-self), which tells us what is right and what is wrong. If it feels right, carry on and if it feels wrong, don’t do it.’ This sounded like common sense to me, so I felt a little lest negative and apprehensive about continuing to read beyond the introduction.
His first spiritual experiences in his childhood home are described through a five-year old’s eyes. ‘Once the landing and corridor lights went off at night, terror gripped me as I did not feel safe. Something was very wrong with this house.’
His family holidays to Suffolk are described in vivid detail, interspersed with his increasing spiritual experiences whilst there. ‘Suddenly a figure would appear somewhere in the room who really shouldn’t be there but what did I know at that age.’ I have been to Suffolk, and this had never happened to me! His family holiday descriptions resonated with me as it brought back memories of my own childhood and then taking my own children on holiday.
From his years of working as a chef, to meeting his future wife, along with his many varied spiritual experiences, his life moves onto ghost hunting and the sad passing of his father. ‘I had learned over the years that death was not final, but just a continuation of the soul’s journey.’
Pete Barry writes about his family, friends and the places he loves in a very compassionate, caring manner. His spiritual impressions of family members who have passed away are clearly heartfelt. ‘Before I could blink, she was gone but it was lovely to have seen her again.’
When his mentor, Caroline, moves to France, she encourages him to return to the Spiritualist Church. She tells him, ‘It’s not that easy Pete, but keep trying and if you trust in spirit, it will happen eventually, for sure.’
The eventual discovery of his spirit guide, Dancing Cloud leads him on his spiritual journey. ‘I tried to clear my mind of everyday rubbish and asked spirit to help me find my spirit guide.’
I enjoyed reading ghost hunting trips with his wife, Lesley are described in colourful and amusing detail, together with his experiences of bad energy. ‘As I walked into this area, I could see the image of a young lad leading a horse along in front of me, before disappearing through a brick wall.’ This book would certainly appeal to people who enjoy reading thrillers. I read a lot of thrillers and these sections of the book were extremely appealing and enjoyable as Pete’s words evoked images and scenery in my mind through his craftful skill with words.
The final part of his journey to becoming a Spiritual Medium in the Spiritualist Church was obviously very emotional for him. Pete Barry writes in an ebullient style which, at times, makes reading it feel like a rollercoaster ride! The story running through the book has a surprising ending.
SCORE: 4 out of 5.
I would award this book 4 out of 5 stars and encourage people to read it, even if, like me, they are self-confessed sceptics as it will open your eyes to the world of Spiritualism. It also will appeal to people who enjoy reading about real life and autobiographies.
Pete Barry comes across as a very caring and sensitive man. Due to these qualities, it could be debated that he has the intuition to feel communication from ‘the other side’. The term ‘medium’ always made me think of a crystal ball or pack of tarot cards. ‘A Personal Journey Through Shadow and Light’ dispelled that myth. I am now more educated about Spiritualism and hopefully more open to the ideas behind it.
If you would like to purchase Psychic Medium, Pete Barry’s ‘A Personal Journey Through Shadow & Light’.
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More information on the writer of ‘"A Personal Journey Through Shadow & Light" Pete Barry