Book review of ‘Ancestors & Angels’ by Jane Cranmer.
Book review written by Henrietta, a reiki practitioner, non-sceptic, with a thirst for all things spiritual.
Wow – what a read! It wasn’t until a few days after I had finished this book that I realised the impact this truthful account has had on me as an individual. Now I can smile and acknowledge that it is my departed Dad talking to me, no more “it sounded like” and more “OK Dad I hear you and thank you for the advice”.

Jane Cranmer delves into her life and opens up about her connections with the spirit world, psychic abilities, and takes you on a rollercoaster of a tale filled with fright, laughter and tears. Who would have thought that a psychic or medium has gone through so many deliberations, difficult situations and self-doubt before arriving at the point at which they accept their ‘gift’ and almost give in to the messages and signs and accept that they are here for a greater reason than they thought. Woven between the recollections and tales of her journey to mediumship, are her stories of family, friends and love. The love of her family must have certainly helped Jane to feel supported on her journey.
‘In retrospect, I can see evidence that my loved ones had never really been far from me, but, in my determination to be strong and self-reliant, I had decided that as they no longer existed in the physical sense, I would be deluding myself to search on a spiritual level.’
This sentence really resonated with me, and is just a powerful example of the mental process and seeking or resisting justification that each psychic medium must go through. I certainly have a new-found respect for anyone who works as a psychic medium.

I also connected with Jane as a parent. Her whitty comments and tales of motherhood and being a wife really made me giggle, and with this is mind the book may appeal to a wider audience than just anyone interested in mediumship. I could totally relate to tales of family life, days out and holidays both of Jane growing up and then of her as a mum herself. Her personality really shone though in her writing. ‘One day after a long day of chasing three children….. I felt tired…and starved of adult conversation…Mark decided to announce he was going to the local pub for a few hours, as he’d had a hard day…..did not go down well.’
I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
This is a book I would never have bought – so thank you my friend for the gift. Jane Cranmer has given an open, honest unabashed account of her life to date. To me, it reads as though she remembered significant portions of her life in a haphazard way and she wrote each portion in the order that she remembered it. Was I confused at first? YES. Did this alter the usual speed at which I read the book? YES. I had to slow down, dissect and digest the content of the words and I came to conclusion that ‘Ancestors & Angels’ is not a story or an autobiography – Ancestors & Angels provides lessons in acceptance, love and truth.
If you would like to purchase ‘Ancestors & Angels’ by Jane Cranmer.
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