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How To Have More WEALTH and HAPPINESS.

How to have more WEALTH.
Can crystals help us? We asked our Crystal Guru, Wendy to give us a ritual.


To coin a phrase from the late, great Sir Terry Pratchett, we seem to be living in ‘Interesting Times’. As such, it’s more important than ever to find a practice that really speaks to us, that expresses who we are at the deepest level.

Doing what makes your heart sing, that’s the key to our Spiritual practice, whatever it may be. On the night of a full moon is magical, its’ beauty is always tinged with the bittersweet knowledge that from this point on, the nights will begin to have less light until the fulness returns. However, let’s not dwell on that, we have crystals to ponder and rituals to create! 



I’m going to share with you a really simple and effective ritual especially for the day of a full moon, a day that’s particularly potent if you’re wanting to manifest something into your life, as opposed to letting something go out of it. So, if you need more money, this ritual is a perfect vehicle to make things happen. 

As with all crystals, choose the ones that speak to YOU. The one you are drawn to because it makes your fingertips tingle - or because it’s a gorgeous colour, whatever the reason, it’s almost as if you let the crystal choose you.

To help you along the way I’ve put together the perfect duo of crystals to help you manifest Abundance. 
Here are the Crystals you will need, followed by the Ritual.

If it’s a quick cash injection you need, or indeed the means to achieve something that maybe doesn’t require money, then the ideal stones are Citrine and Tiger’s Eye. 

The Ritual
Holding the crystals in your hand, say (either in your head or out loud) “I program these stones to help me shine like the sun!” bringing as much enthusiasm to the words as you can muster. Arrange them around you in a circle, big enough for you to sit comfortably inside, placing them alternately until you’ve used them all up, i.e. 1 Rose Quartz, 1 Clear, 1 Rose and so on. 

Sit inside the circle and make your wish, or set your intention. Really see yourself as if you’d already got the thing you want, feel how it would feel to be that person with abundance, and revel in it, feeling the power growing inside the circle as you get happier and happier, really being that person whose wish is fulfilled. Sit in the energy until you feel like it’s time to move, then thank your crystals for being so brilliant, and thank yourself for being the vessel through which magic is made. Put all the stones in a little bag and keep it with you, to remind you of the magical time you spent connecting with your innermost magical self, at this most magical time of the year. 

Of course, I’m writing this in the assumption that it’s going to be a glorious sunny day (which it actually always is, as long as there are no clouds in the way) but if it’s raining and you’d rather stay dry then a nice quiet place in the house is just as effective. Or if you’re like me you could just go outside and do it anyway, if you feel so inclined, the energy is the same!

Bright Blessings one and all.
Crystal Guru Wendy


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