Twilight But Without The Bad Hair And Bad Acting........ And Storyline
Change your mindset to change the world. See past the bad and find the good.
The Luna Mum Diaries By Karry R.
I've got to admit that through the chaos that is 2020 I've heavily relied on the constants that I think we've all come to depend on; the leaves changing signalling that autumn is on its’ way, the endless facebook updates that let you know when it's raining outside (because we forget we can look outside and see for ourselves).

Life this year has been a rollercoaster but like the singer Ronan Keating says you've "just gotta ride it" and that's exactly what I'm doing. A year ago I couldn't have told you what I watched on the telly or what was going on in the world. I was so deep in depression that between medication and sleep the world was a blur. I really have had to rebuild myself from nothing and now (thankfully) I can look back on the last 12 months and see exactly how far I've come but it's the little daft stuff that makes me realise the difference. Like badly baked brownies...... This week I've felt the pull to get back doing what I love most, I was asked to teach reiki to a student who I'd taught previously, despite Covid 19 putting a halt on those plans (for now) it reignited my love for spirituality, healing and all things psychic when I re-visted my old books to plan the session.
I hadn't realised how long it had been since I'd pulled out my tarot cards or pulled an oracle card from my decks! And while I do try to get some form of meditation in regularly I definitely haven't been giving it as much of my attention as I could (or should) be. These little things used to be the basis of my daily practice that would keep me focused in a house that is at its’ best a bit like living in a twilight movie (I mean, I have a teen who is constantly on the phone to her boyfriend and my youngest thinks he's a werewolf so I suppose I'm almost there)! As the years have gone on I've learnt to embrace the uniqueness of my family's quirks.. my child howling at a full moon or leaving a rugby training session to meditate (yes, the youngest did that.. definitely my child) has become the norm really. With all that in mind I welcomed the new moon differently than I normally would. There was no goal setting or ritual, instead I took myself off for a long walk down the river with Mr Budson (our pup), I enjoyed the peace and quiet and made a promise to myself to enjoy the little things more intentionally. The fresh air can genuinely work wonders for your spirit and being anywhere near water always makes me happy! It also goes to show that there's no hard and fast way to embrace the natural energies of the world. Not just the full/new moon but all the time. I really believe nature is the best medicine for most things, we just have to be open enough to accept it.

Covid has taught us that life as we know it can change at any given moment, being able to appreciate the small things and enjoy life despite the chaos is really what keeps us going. I just want to end this post with this thought.. I know, as everyone does, how uncertain the world is right now. The prospect of going into another lockdown is on everyone's minds. Political arguments aside, what can really keep you going and get you through all this is how well you take care of your mental health. Make this a priority. Maybe now is the right time to discover the ways you can be occupied at home, find ways that you can keep in touch with friends and family while you're apart and seek out any extra support you might need.. So, I'll say goodbye for now, I'm off to go put my feet up with a cuppa.
Kerry R xx
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